If lately, every time you make a small effort (daily, the kind that should be more bearable), you ask yourself the same question: Why am I so tired? It wouldn’t hurt to take a look at our article.
We discover the 9 possible causes that may be behind that continuous feeling of exhaustion..
Why am I so tired?
Don’t forget that behind this tiredness there may be causes that are not apparently related to it, although they may be underlying causes:
1. disturbed sleep cycles.
When we think of this idea for everyone, there may be a reason: it may be for going to bed too late despite getting up early a lot.It can also be due to discontinuous sleep, which reduces the number of hours we spend sleeping. It may also be due to discontinuous sleep, so that the sleep cycles that promote rest are not completed.
In any case, let’s remember one idea: we all need to sleep an average of 7 hours a day, because it is during sleep (and especially during the REM phase) that our body regenerates and rebalances itself. If we do not dedicate enough time to sleep during the night, we will interfere in the natural processes that maintain our health, and tiredness will be just one of the many problems that this fact will cause us.
2. Insufficient hydration
If you regularly ask yourself the question “Why am I so tired?” you may be ignoring one detail, and that is the amount of water you consume on a daily basis. Do you think it is enough?
In general, people need to drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day, people need to drink a minimum of 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.. During the summer months, perhaps we pay more attention to the sensation of thirst due to the high temperatures to which we are exposed, but we should not wait to perceive it: the ideal is to cultivate the habit of hydrating frequently, in small quantities but often.
Think that your whole body and the cells in it have a high percentage of water in its composition, which is why we need to provide it with a constant supply to make up for the water it needs. constant supply to make up for its losses and not let our health suffer..
3. Lack of exercise
It is not a cliché: exercise is an activator of energy for people.. When your body leaves rest and gets going, it mobilizes the energy deposits it has and uses them. That is why it is common to perceive as more active and awake people those who practice sport on a regular basis.
If you want to include this routine in your daily routine and you are overwhelmed to go from doing no exercise at all to practicing it with high impact, get the idea and the laziness out of your mind. The best exercise you can do (no matter how light) is one that you won’t stop doing after a while.
Not all fatigue comes from working too hard.
4. Low blood iron levels
When the levels of this mineral are deficient in our organism, the sensation of constant fatigue is usually very noticeable.This is due to the fact that it influences the ability to transport oxygen to the different organs of the body.
This problem usually occurs in people who follow a poorly supplemented vegan diet. If this is your case, a blood test can clarify your suspicions.
On the other hand, women should pay special attention to one more factor: menstruation. If your menstruations are too abundantIf your periods are too heavy, consider consulting your gynecologist to assess whether this fact may be related to a hormonal imbalance that causes this effect and can be corrected.
- Related article: “10 foods rich in iron ideal to combat anemia”.
5. Too many hours without eating
Does too much time go by from your breakfast to lunch without taking anything? Or worse, do youdo you skip breakfast straight away so you can go without eating until noon?
If so, you are doing yourself a disservice, as you are putting unnecessary stress on your body by depriving it of the nutrients it needs for so many hours and it is telling you this in the form of exhaustion. is telling you this in the form of exhaustion.
If you think this reason might have something to do with your question of why I’m so tired, do yourself a favor and take your meal times seriously.
6. Not disconnecting from worries
Are you one of those who spends all day with work on your mind or thinking about things over and over again? Sometimes it is inevitable to go through periods where parking problems is mission impossible; you may be worried about something that does not end up being resolved satisfactorily or the demands of work keep you constantly on tenterhooks and on edge..
It is normal, but you have to find a way to cope.
Practicing an activity that you enjoy on a regular basis (a hobby) is a great way to take your mind off your great way to take your attention away from what absorbs you and put it on something that and put it on something that makes you feel better. Mindfulness is also a good technique to work on this aspect. And of course, it is forbidden to go to bed thinking about your worries; reading a book helps a lot.
7. Poor nutrition
Not only people who have a vegan diet should pay attention to the way they eat (as we have mentioned above), but we should all take a look at our eating habits when our energy fails us. to take a look at our eating habits when our energies fail us..
What can we detect? That perhaps we do not consume enough calories for our level of activity, that the diversity of foods we eat is not varied enough to ensure that we get enough vitamins and minerals, or that the amounts of nutrients in our diet are unbalanced. the amounts of basic nutrients we need to function well are unbalanced. that we need to function well.
If we feel that we do not have sufficient criteria to evaluate this factor in a complete way, we can resort to a nutritionist to evaluate if our way of eating is correct.
Fatigue affects our day to day life.
8. Digestive disorders
Have you noticed changes in the way you digest? Do you feel discomfort in your stomach after meals? If this goes hand in hand with the tiredness you are noticing lately, perhaps the origin of this is due to a digestive disorder.Perhaps the origin of this is due to a digestive disorder that prevents you from assimilating the nutrients you ingest and eliminates them without taking advantage of their benefits.
It may be that after a treatment with antibiotics these discomforts have appeared because your bacterial flora has suffered, although it is very common that it also happens due to excessive and poorly managed stress.
Probiotics are a great help to restore good intestinal function; If the real source of your fatigue is inefficient absorption of nutrients, solving this problem will probably start to help.If the real origin of your tiredness is inefficient absorption of nutrients, probably by solving this problem you will also start to improve your energy level.
9. Possible covert depression
And finally, if you have long wondered why you are so tired and none of the above options fit you as a possible answer, ask yourself one more question: How is your mood?
In case you didn’t know, one of the common symptoms of depression is physical exhaustion.. If you suspect that there might be something emotional in the background, don’t let it go and consult a specialist.
- If you think this is an option, you might be interested in this article, “8 Signs of Depression You Might Be Ignoring.”