When we talk about everything that moves us internallyWe describe it as those things that we feel, that generate emotions in us and that, being so specific to each one of us, we perceive as subjective and difficult to describe.
It is quite common that we use the terms emotion and feeling to talk about the same concept, however, emotions and feelings are not at all the same thing. That is why today we are going to talk to you about the differences between emotions and feelings.
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Let’s define what emotions are
To know and understand the differences between emotions and feelings it is necessary that we have clear what each of the concepts is about. You will realize that it is already in the definition itself where the differences arise. Let’s start by defining what emotions are.
Emotions are “intense and passing alterations of mood, pleasant or painful that are accompanied by a certain somatic commotion” as defined by the R.A.E. Based on this definition, we can then say that emotions are that response or momentary reaction that we have consciously. momentary reaction that we have in a conscious way in front of stimuli that arise from an that arise from an intense mental activity, and where we experience pleasure, or the opposite, displeasure.
Our emotions occur in the limbic system, which is the set or network of neurons that regulates the responses that people have to stimuli; in other words, it regulates our instinct based on three elements:
- The physiological elements, which are the first physical and involuntary reaction we have, such as sweating or the acceleration in our breathing and in our heartbeat.
- The cognitive elements, which is the way we process stimuli, consciously or unconsciously consciously or unconsciously transforming them into emotions.
- The behavioral elements, which generate expressive changes in our behavior such as facial gestures.
So, we can say that we have a group of emotions that are innate in us and that are the first reaction or response and that are the first reaction or response we have in front of a stimulus.
These primary emotions are happiness, sadness, fear, surprise, anger and disgust, and are common to all human beings and very necessary for adaptation. It is essential that you take this into account to understand the differences between emotions and feelings.
- Related article: “The 6 types of different emotions that we can feel”.
Let’s define what feelings are
Now, let’s define what feelings are all about. Remember when we talked about emotions being the innate response we have to stimuli? Well, if our brain takes these emotions and connects them with our experiences, experiences, desires, projects, as well asIf our brain takes these emotions and connects them with our experiences, experiences, desires, projects, as well as our value system and our state of mind, then we will have feelings as a result.
The feelings we have are what we experience immediately after having an emotion. That is to say, they are the affective moods we go through in the face of different emotions and situations, which are and situations, and which are also somewhat subjective and very specific to each one of us.
In fact, feelings are a very important part of us, since they are our subjective way of seeing the world and what drives the way we act. Feelings clearly express the moment or state we are going through.
And even more important, it is through them we can connect with other people, communicate, express ourselves and understand ourselves.communicate, express ourselves and understand others. Hence the importance of knowing the difference between emotions and feelings.
All our feelings change their intensity according to the emotion that generates them and the situation we are in. Some examples of feelings are love, compassion, affection, gratitude, optimism, sadness, anger, hatred, impatience, tolerance and envy.
- Related article: “The 17 types of feelings (that a person can experience)”.
Differences between emotions and feelings
It is completely normal that we get confused and mix up emotions with feelings and vice versa, because as you could see in the definitions of each, they are completely related to each other. Being somewhat subjective concepts because the way in which each one feels is different, it can be complicated to see the differences between emotions and feelings, so we summarize below.
The difference between emotions and feelings is that, emotions are those innate physiological reactions or responses that we have to a stimulus. that we have in front of a stimulus, that are linked to our survival and adaptation process, and that absolutely all human beings have them.
On the other hand, feelings are a consequence of emotions and we create them in a subjective way according to the narrative we have made in our brain of our experiences, our value system and our state of mind, and we do not all feel the same feelings and much less in the same way. In fact, the same situations in our lives can change the intensity with which we experience the same feeling.
Therefore, the difference between emotions and feelings is that emotions are innate in the human being and emotions are a subjective construction that we make from emotions. that we make from emotions.